SK Dynamo Èeské Budìjovice (2004) - Premier League - artificial lawn of 3rd generation with illumination - FIFA and ÈMFS
(Czech Football Association) certificates
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Festive opening of a football pitch in Uherský Brod
(2000) Antonín Panenka and Milan Vopièka
Licensing Certificate of FIFA
society - certification
of artificial lawn LANO
ÈMFS Certificate - certification
of correctness of the given pitch
for competitions up to
2nd league level
Necessary certification for a correct choice of a concrete type of artificial lawn is FIFA or UEFA
certificate (based on exacting laboratory tests). Only lawns certified in this way can be
acknowledged as correct for ÈMFS competitions up to the 2nd league level. Certification
of correctness is a ÈMFS certificate always issued for a concrete pitch on the basis of meeting
the prescribed parameters. These parameters are regulated by “The implementation instruction
of the Technical Commission of ÈMFS“, which cooperates with the Association of Manufacterers
of Artificial Lawns of 3rd Generation at ESTO for the whole territory of the Czech Republic
(since 2007 M. Vopièka is the president of the association, see the web sites of ÈMFS).
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- Artificial lawn LANO PREMIER of 3rd generation
The new generation of artificial lawns has a longer fibre
- min. 5 cm (with previous products max. 3.5 cm). Siliceous
sand is still being used but only as stabilizing poured-in layer of
the bottom part of a lawn, in an area that is practically untouched
by a footballer. Above the sand layer (2 cm) there is a layer of
rubber granulate (2.5 cm) and the last 1 cm of fibres remains free.
For an artificial lawn to approximate still more a natural one,
the free end of the fibre is fibrilized. Nowadays lawns
with a monofibre are also being used which still more
approximate natural grass. If finances allow it, a synthetic cast
polyurethan underlay 2 – 3 cm thick is being recommended.
- Sports technical properties such
as the rolling and rebounding of
a ball have markedly improved,
the risk of burning the skin does
not practically exist
- The player's higher stability
is provided by filling the lawn
with rubber granulate
- The football field is softer
and absorbs individual impacts well
- The player penetrates with his
football boot the filling of the lawn in
the same way as with a natural one
- A lawn of 3rd generation and 6 cm
thick does not freeze over in winter
- A lawn of 3rd generation can be
automatically watered in summer
FC SIAD Most (2004) - Premier League - artificial
of 3rd generation - FIFA and ÈMFS certificates
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TJ Kyje - natural lawn in the foreground, playing field with
an artificial lawn of 3rd generation in the rear, illumination
- FIFA and ÈMFS certificates
Sports ground Pražaèka with a football pitch (2004) - artificial
lawn LANO PREMIER of 3rd generation with poured-in rubber
granulate - FIFA certificate |
Football pitch with a lawn of 3rd generation LANO PREMIER - Dukla Praha, 2nd league - Juliska, including
illumination, which was festively opened on 13 June 2008 with FIFA and ÈMFS certifications |
a) permeable structure of gravel sand, gravel and final sowing (basic structure)
b) synthetic polyurethan underlay (layer) ca. 2 – 3 cm
c) permeable asphalt ca. 6 cm
(General instructions for the composition and realization of foundation structures are contained in the Implementation Directives
of the Technical Commission of ÈMFS. Their observance is a precondition for awarding the ÈMFS Certificate for a concrete pitch.)
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Realization of the foundation including drainage channels with a grating
Process of putting sand on an artificial lawn
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Working in of rubber granulate in an artificial lawn
Detail of a difference between poured-in sand and poured-in
rubber granulate
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of 2nd generation
or LANO-SCORE using LSR fibres preventing
the skin from burning at falls, with poured-in
siliceous sand. It is being laid on sown material
without an underlay or on permeable asphalt
with a permeable rubber underlay. Fibre length
28 – 32 mm, poured-in sand. This type is
the forerunner of artificial lawns of 3rd generation.
It is affordable but its properties approximate
less natural lawns.
Football pitch in Uherský Brod (2000) - artificial lawn of 2nd generation
SPORT-TECHNIK BOHEMIA is a sole agency for the Czech and the Slovak Republics for the importing
and realizing of comprehensive sports grounds, including the foundation structure for the Belgian
manufacturer of artificial lawns, the LANO company. The artificial lawn LANO has the FIFA certification.
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Premier League stadium FK Chmel Blšany (1992)
- natural lawn SPECIAL SYSTEM
- Natural lawn
- using cast patent plate SPECIAL
SYSTEM with poured-in English grass
seeds. Part of delivery can be
the automatic irrigation system RAIN BIRD
- Cinder pitch
- using cast patent plate
- Threshing-floor pitch
- mixture of sand, clay and grit
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- Protective fencing behind goals - we supply frame (surface must be
coated) or French fencing COREL (covered with PVC, no coating needed)
- The benches - covered with makrolon glass of various shapes
- Illumination - is realized according
to Czech version of European standard
EN 12193 (approved by ÈMFS
for competitive matches).
We supply electrogalvanized pylons
and AEROLUX discharge tubes.
- Goals with nets
- fixed or portable
- Drainage channels
with synthetic antiskid grating
- Irrigation system RAIN BIRD
- Irrigation system TORO
Portable football goal with a net
TJ Viktorie 8 (1993)
- natural lawn
- detail of fencing behind the goal
Drainage channels along the pitch
perimeter, pavement of a lock